As she celebrates her Oscar win, we look at Julianne Moore's stunning cover story for AnOther Magazine A/W07
Julianne Moore has always been an actress we'd like to hang out with, a fact that became all the more apparent at her touching reaction – after three previous nominations – to being at last awarded the Best Actress statuette at last night's Oscars ceremony. Winning for her performance in Still Alice, playing a woman carved apart by a shock diagnosis of early-onset Alzheimer's disease, her speech was a masterful blend of wit, emotion and sincere homage to those people enduring the disease she had brought to the screen.
In celebration of this wonderful actress's achievement, we looked back to her stunning cover shoot from AnOther Magazine A/W07, shot by Inez and Vinoodh, accompanied by a selection of her best quotes from a long and illustrious career.
"Struggling is, after all, what your 20s are meant to be about. Really, if you think about it, in any profession, how do you get from A to Z, how do you do that? It seems impossible. But if you're interested in something and you pursue it, before you realise it, you're doing it for a living."

"I'm looking for the truth. The audience doesn't come to see you, they come to see themselves."
"When you move around a lot, you learn that behaviour is mutable. I would change, depending on where I was. I would go to one school and everyone would dance one way and, then, at a new school, you'd notice that no one picked up their feet when they danced. You're like, OK, I'll shuffle my feet like them. You learn that there's no one way to dance or be. For some reason, a lot of actors come from these peripatetic backgrounds – army kids, missionary kids, kids of salesmen. It teaches you to watch, to reinvent, that character can change."
"I'm looking for the truth. The audience doesn't come to see you, they come to see themselves" — Julianne Moore
"When someone says, "I'm not political", I feel like what they're saying is, "I only care about myself. In my bathtub. Me and my bathtub is what I care about"."
"My very first director told me that if you have red hair, somebody is casting you for a reason. He said, "There will be parts that you don't get because, especially onstage, people can see you." I've been wigged plenty of times, but the funny thing is that even when I have a different hair color, people tend to still remember me as having red hair."

[on meeting designer Tom Ford] I met him in 1998, right after my son was born. Tom made a dress for me for the Oscars, the first time I was nominated, for Boogie Nights (1997). In that movie, I played Amber Waves, a porno actress. Tom was unbelievably charming and handsome and normal, not scary, which surprised me because he was one of the first designers I'd ever met. He made me a really beautiful black chiffon dress that kind of had an empire waist. Because I'd just had a baby, my boobs were really big. I didn't feel confident enough to wear it. But Tom was incredibly gracious. He said, "I don't care – wear it, don't wear it, it's just a dress". And that was the beginning of my friendship with Tom.
"What did Gustave Flaubert say? "Be ordinary in your life so that you can be violent and original in your work!" I believe that."
"I panic more on stage. I really have a lot of stage fright. I get really shaky and it's not fun for me. But in movies, I don't. I had a therapist say to me once, "You know, a feeling can't kill you." And it can't. What I'm really afraid of is skiing, and going fast, and people knocking me down, and maybe breaking my teeth. Those are the things that frighten me. But being on a movie set with a lot of really terrific actors and having some great language and the director... Even if you do fail, what could happen?"

"In grade school, I was a complete geek. You know, there's always the kid who's too short, the kid who wears glasses, the kid who's not athletic. Well, I was all three."
"I love clothes - I love shopping for clothes, I love wearing clothes, I love talking about clothes – but oddly, putting on the dress and walking around in front of people, that's the place where I'm most uncomfortable. I always admire people who can really own it, who can work the dress and take the picture… I always feel a little silly doing it."
"One of the marvellous things about movies is that they make us feel seen and not alone, and people with Alzheimer’s deserve to be seen so we can find a cure."